Our Mission, Vision & Values

The vision of the Paul Robeson Cultural Center (PRCC) is to develop a community where all students, especially students of the African diaspora, participate in guided educational discourse, leadership development, and out of the classroom engagement that cultivates meaningful experiences, fosters positive relationships, and facilitates inclusive spaces where individuals are able to be their authentic-self. 

Established in 1969, the mission of the Paul Robeson Cultural Center is to foster community among Rutgers University–New Brunswick students, faculty and staff that involves everyone in educational, cultural, and social programs and services that facilitate learning and engagement. We are committed to reflecting on the experiences of historically underrepresented students, with an emphasis on students of the African diaspora, to help one another process, navigate, heal and advance within society and the university community. 

The Values we uphold at the Paul Robeson Cultural Center that guide our work in service to our community, the Division of Student Affairs, and the University are:  

Student Centered

Students are the core of the PRCC mission, and our commitment to student success is at the forefront in the decision making process, planning, and implementation of services.  

Respect & Acceptance

The PRCC is a space for all students and open to the entire Rutgers community. We focus our services on students who come from the African Diaspora. There are many different cultures and values within the community so we must respect and accept each other in our community. 

Collective Liberation 

Collective liberation acknowledges that multiple oppressions exist, and that we work in solidarity to undo oppression in ourselves, our families, our communities, and our institutions.  


Cultural education is included in the co curricular – out of the classroom experiences that the PRCC provides to students. By nature of including faculty, staff, alumni, and other community partners, the PRCC aims to increase awareness and encourage dialogue around topics of race, specifically concerning the African diaspora.  


We are dedicated, hardworking, creative, innovative and willing to achieve the highest standards with our approach, operations and collaborations. In the actions and work, excellence is the doing. Through the lens of integrity, excellence is doing things with due consideration both for intent and impact, and aiming to close the gap between them. Achieving success or becoming the best is contextualized within our approach, processes and collaborations towards our mission.